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All of you out there need to know more about computer virus and spyware. I like to share it with you. Below is article about computer virus and spyware. Also, tips for computer user need to protect their computers and the computers in a good condition. Thank you once again for spend your time with me.

Protect your computers from virus NOW!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Get Virus Protection
By Tosin Ajibowo

Every serious minded computer system owner and/or user must get virus protection installed seeing one menace to safe computer usage is Virus Attack and Infiltration which has made computer manufacturers and software specialists to continue in the unrelenting quest for computer virus protection software development and deployment.

From time to time and as obtains in the world of medicine, strains of a particular virus or disease are produced in the evasive bid by the virus to undermine quarantine maneuvers and/or total eradication.

Computer virus multiplication or replication is nonetheless left behind. From time to time, stubborn strains are produced which in no small way equally pose some level of risk to computer system operation and usage.

Encouraging to note however is that concerted effort is constantly being made to combat continued virus assault and attack on computer systems, installed software and programs, stored information, files and data to mention a few.

One measure to safeguard computer system protection against any virus attack is to watch out where information is sourced at as well as ensuring that a virus scan is executed whenever any digital memory storage media or device is to be accessed.

This will go on to reinforce the effort in getting a virus protection installed on your computer system.

You need not be told how important and how crucial it is to get and install an efficient anti-virus software and program on your system. You need to remember to launch it or put it to work in ensuring virus protection at all times you operate your computer.

Some run the risk of exposing their computer system to virus attack and their data or files to corruption resulting from the effects of virus attack.

One way this occurs is when you disable the anti-virus program installed or refuse to keep it updated.

No one who has fallen victim at least once to data loss or corruption resulting from virus attack leaves their computer system bare and unprotected from virus attack.

For an enjoyable and safe computing experience, computer systems must be adequately secured and protected from virus attacks and the likes.

Getting virus protection for your computer system is a must and it should continue as an ongoing effort and undertaking to safeguard all your information, files and data stored at every instant on your computer.

for additional information and resources, visit

Tosin Ajibowo - EzineArticles Expert Author

Why is my computer slow & how to fix it? by

Why is my computer so slow? How to Fix It

You… like most other computer users out there are well aware that a computer can become slower and much less reliable over time. While computers are getting cheaper, they are still not that cheap that you can afford to replace them when they become slow!

So, how do you fix a slow computer so that it does not become annoyingly slow and so that you remain productive during your daily computer activity?Regular maintenance of your computer is absolutely critical if you want to avoid a slow computer.

Below we will explain how to go about cleaning and fixing an old computer so that it runs like new again. Here are 4 quick tips in order of urgency… make sure you get started on these today.

1. Clean your computer registry

Every Windows computer has a registry. This is effectively the powerhouse of your computer and has a huge impact on the speed of your computer. Without a clean and well organized registry, your Windows system will become very slow and is vulnerable to corruption, freezing, and crashing. A quality registry cleaner is an important part of the regular maintenance of your computer. This will repair damaged registry files remove errors on your computer, reorganise your registry and ultimately fix a slow computer.A quality registry cleaner will offer a free download and scan of your computer before you commit to purchasing the product. Once you have seen if your slow computer is in some part due to registry errors - then you can commit to purchasing the full version.

Visit to view our recommended registry cleaner RegCure. RegCure is one of the most popular registry fixes on the internet and will offer a money back guarantee.

2. Use a quality virus scan software

Viruses and Spyware are the number one cause of computer problems and this therefore is a common reason for why your computer is slow. Often virus and spyware can also be very difficult to detect. To ensure your computer is protected and runs at optimal speeds at all times you need to ensure that your computer protection is updated and runs every week.There are a huge range of these products on the internet so we recommend you take a free trial first to see which one you like best before your purchase.

Visit for some of our ratings on anti virus software.

3. Fix your computer start up

Right - next step is to look at the number of programmes that your computer is running during start up. By reducing the number that load on windows boot - up you will notice that your computer will immediately start to speed up and will run faster during daily operation… just another way to fix a slow computer.

4. Disk Clean Up and Disk Defrag

Have you tried to use your inbuilt disk clean up and disk defragmenter to help fix your slow computer? Your Windows computer actually comes with a couple of utilities that are designed to help you speed up your slow computer.Go to Programs, Accessories, System tools and then go to disk clean up. Run this utility followed by a disk defrag. This will free up some space on your computer.

Right - so there are some quick tips to get your computer running properly again. Don't spend hundreds of dollars fixing your computer or buying a new one. We have showed you how to fix a slow computer. Visit today for more information. is a site that is designed to show you how to fix a slow computer and to get it running like new again.

Using the software to protect against viruses by Joe Keny

Protect your computer from the latest threat by installing virus protection software. You can use the software free from the Internet or purchase a package on your local computer store. Once you install the software, make sure you are using correctly. Follow these tips .

Install the software following the package instructions or use a free version of AVG or your service provider. You can download free versions of Internet .

updating your software every day. You can do this by choosing the automatic updates during installation or manually update your software. If you select automatic, the program will be maintained at regular intervals .

Open your antivirus program if you want to update the software manually. Click "Download" or "Live Update" to download the latest virus definitions. Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet .

Wait for the definitions of their cargo. The program will prompt you when finished .

Scan your computer after new definitions are loaded. You can choose to scan certain drives on your computer or you can choose "full". A complete analysis of the controls throughout the hidden world .

Let your virus program scan your computer. You can use other programs during the analysis, but may run slower than usual .

Read all the reports at the end of exploration. Your program should detect any virus threats and quarantine. Delete any viruses in the vault.

This article is written by Article Generator.

Joe Keny - Everthing about computer.The above article can be found in my site Computer Articles.

The Top 5 Most Common Computer Problems by Gaelim Holland

If you have a PC, then you have most likely suffered from computer problems. Most people have accepted that there PC will eventually crash due to a virus or some massive error. However this is a myth. Your PC is built to last more than a decade. However you must keep well tuned for it to make its third birthday. Nevertheless, most people would rather buy a shiny new PC rather than spend an hour trying to fix computer problems on there 2 year lap top or desktop. After another two year after their purchase lack of maintenance will cause their new PC to lose its performance speed. Whats next you guess, $3000 Windows Vista Ready PC. This is known as the consumer vicious cycle.

Why have does your computer have problems?

Well, the biggest problem that your computer has is its owner. More than 80% of computer problems stem from neglecting to perform simple maintenance task such as cleaning your registry, emptying your cache files and updating software regularly. If these task a perform diligently. You would be reading this article from a five year old machine running on Windows 98 operating system. So, lets take a look at the top five computer problems and how to avoid them.

1. Computer has performance has slowed.

This is the number one complaint from most users. There are several reason why this has occurred. However, most can attributed to lack of maintenance. Fragmented data, corrupted registry, spyware, and load of unnecessary programs and services running can all eat away at your PC speed and performance. Manage your programs and cleaning your registry would easily award you a 30% gain in performance speed. Check out The 4 ways to speed up my computer

2. Lockup, freezes, and blue screens of death.

This is a another common computer problem. However, this particular issue is a bit more serious; therefore, it needs a few diagnostic steps. In most cases this problems are caused by spyware. To avoid this problem update your anti-spyware program daily. Having the most up to date signatures will help you avoid having a serious spyware problem. However, if you have concluded that your PC is spyware free. You should update your hardware drivers. The computer cannot communicate with various hardware components without an up to date driver. When it cannot find a driver, the CPU locks up. Also, increasing your virtual memory can also help to avoid freezes. Virtual Memory will allow to you get more use out your computer's RAM. Check the resource box for more info on the subject.

3. The computer spontaneously reboots or turn itself off.

This computer problem can be usually attributed to a hardware issue. Usually its the power supply is dying or in most cases a dirty or defective cooling fan. The computer trying to cool itself by automatically switching off. So, if you feel a bit of extra heat coming out the computer. Clean the fan and make sure it running properly. If your fan is functional, check your power supply. Also, you will be surprised how many people fail to make sure the cables are attached tightly. This be the cause of this particular computer problem.

4. Strange noises and vibrations.

This is almost totally a hardware issue. You computer is made up of thousands of parts. Its not unheard of that one of them can become unhinged. Overheating can cause expansion of wires and melt some sensitive. High pitch noises such as squealing or whining sounds can be cause electronic components. Whatever the reason, you conduct a small investigation. Remove the case and run the computer to discover the origin of the computer problem. If its not a simple matter such as a loose wire or fan issue, it may be time to call a computer tech.

5. Your home page, default search engine, or web browser has changed itself.

This is also known as "high-jacking". Spyware has been installed on your computer via social networking or from email link. This action has allowed spyware to install a java script into your web browser. The spyware then sends a message to your browser to change your user settings. For example change your home page to another web page.

As you have discovered from reading the article, the most common computer problems can be handle quite easily by simple maintenance of your PC. Net time you are suffering from computer problems. Take a few minutes to run some diagnostic test before rushing out to computer technical center claiming your PC is broken. When all you need to do was just make sure it was plugged in.

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For more answers to computer problems: For tips to remove a Trojans horse virus: